A Brief History
Inkberry is a sole proprietorship located on Route 12A in Surry, NH. It is owned, managed, and operated by Ron & Sue Yantiss.
Inkberry was founded in Alexandria, Virginia in 1980, while Ron was working in Washington D.C., as an information management professional. The business plan for Inkberry was to incorporate services that were usually not available in the picture framing industry. The ability to title the framed piece, custom printing, restoration, digital imaging, and graphic design, were then, and still are not typically available or even associated with the custom picture framing industry. The ability to offer a product that incorporates the use of a diversity of disciplines with museum quality framing, has led to limitless and interesting creative possibilities for Inkberry customers.
In 1989, Ron moved back to New England after 13 years in Washington, D.C., to continue Inkberry, as a full-time venture.
While the technology has changed tremendously, the business plan remains the same… to offer Inkberry customers numerous imaginative options for their framed piece.